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One of the most emotional times in a woman's life is when she learns that she actually is pregnant. The realization that a life keeps growing inside her womb may initially make her feel confused, but eventually she will rejoice in knowing that she will be bringing a fresh life into the world. But it may be very different for a teenage girl who's not ready for the results of premarital sex. Anxiety and stress are normal reactions to possess if you are a, unmarried teenager who suddenly becomes a soon-to-be mother. She will not know what to do. Unwanted pregnancy can be a frightening and threatening situation for women who are not prepared for it. In contrast, those who are really likely to have a baby find motherhood because the ulitmate fulfillment and real essence to be a woman.Once a woman has conceived, it will take about one week for the fertilized egg to be implanted in the uterus. From then on, it will now be possible for a woman to experience one or more signs of pregnancy. For the newlyweds, or those who are really planning to have kids and welcome the joys of being parents, pregnancy is very good news. But along with it comes several pregnancy symptoms that may probably create a woman feel sick for at the very least the first trimester. During this period, hormonal changes begin to occur, and a woman's body starts to respond to these new hormone levels.Listed below are 10 common signs of early pregnancy:1. Frequent Urination - the most common and very early signs of pregnancy is needing to urinate more frequently. Changes in the hormone levels produced by implantation of the embryo, especially the hormone "human chorionic gonadotropin" (hCG), is the reason behind more frequent urination and this can be experienced even before a missed period, usually from about 7-12 days following the temperature rise at ovulation.2. Light Spotting ? is a condition that occurs when implantation happened prior to the menstrual period must start. Pregnancy bleeding from implantation isn't heavy and appears pinkish or brownish in color. Normal menstruation should start with a light flow, become heavy, then taper off again towards the finish.3. Elevated festival TEMPERATURE ? during ovulation, it's just normal to have an increase in body temperature. Once the basal body temperature stays elevated after ovulation is completed and remains elevated through when the period begins can be one of many very early signs of pregnancy.4. Missing a Menstrual Period ? it's possible that a missed period may be due to other reasons such as for example illness, stress, hormone imbalance and reactions to foods or medications. If the menstrual cycle normally occurs on a regular basis, missing a period can be quite a sign.5. Fatigue ? though tiredness could be difficult to distinguish from other styles of exhaustion, it is usually related to the change in hormones in the body, which usually disappears because the body adjusts to the new hormone levels.6. Cramps - during early pregnancy, active, exercise and orgasm can trigger uterine cramping or contractions in the uterus.7. Nausea ? is known as morning sickness during pregnancy. It's a sensation of vomiting, though sometimes actual vomiting may not occur. It can happen throughout the day, and it can last throughout your pregnancy.8. Tender Nipples and Breasts ? this is among the very early signs of pregnancy but such feeling of tenderness go away as the body gets used to the new hormone levels.9. Darker Areolas ? as early as one week after conception, the area around the nipples begins to change in color. It becomes darker and the bumps on the areolas may appear more prominent.10. Constipation ? expect a change in bowel movement during early pregnancy. The intestines may relax and function less because of changing hormones, resulting in constipation.Beginning around the 6th week of pregnancy, more than half of women that are pregnant may experience nausea or morning sickness that may occur at any time duirng the day or night and may stop around the 12th week of pregnancy. Morning sickness won't harm the infant or the pregnant mother. However, if you experience an excessive amount of vomiting and cannot keep your meal down, you may have hyperemesis gravidarum. which may be harmful to both the mother and baby if severe and left untreated. Hyperemesis gravidarum can cause possible insufficient nutrients and electrolyte imbalance.As soon as these very early signs of pregnancy are experienced, confirm the pregnancy with the use of pregnancy test kits such as a blood pregnancy test. It can be accurate as soon as 8 to 10 days after conception while a urine pregnancy test could be accurate as early as 10 to 14 days following conception. Most pregnancy tests aren't 100% accurate so make sure you do test again following a week. Always consult doctor when these symptoms appear and discuss possible choices for treatment.